Our Mutual Presentation


We will work with you and the staff at the location of your event and determine the most efficient and professional display of our presentations. There are many options available, some of which include:

  1. We can personally deliver, set up the collages, present the DVD's on our laptop & projector, maintain and take down all presentations. In summary, we can be there 100% for you and professionally take care of all components, including collage & DVD presentations and distribution of memorabilia DVD's for your family, friends and guests.
  2. We can deliver all presentations to you or the staff at your event. Either you or the staff at your event would set up and manage all components of your presentation as designed by us. Once completed, we would return to pick up all items.
  3. Naturally, we are there for you, and can provide any combination of the above.

The process to collect and creatively put together a package is a time consuming process, and yet, a critically important element of a prompt decision to allow us to put your presentation together within a relatively short period of time. We have the resources and expertise to ensure that your presentation is completed on time, and on budget. It's our goal to make this process a simple one for you, and we will dedicate ourselves to make the very best presentation possible for you and your family. 

© 2020 www.memoriesoflovedones.ca                           jimsnow@icloud.com                        (289) 314-9372